Class: WKT


new ol.format.WKT(opt_options)

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 26
Name Type Description


Name Type Description
splitCollection boolean | undefined

Whether to split GeometryCollections into multiple features on reading. Default is false.



readFeature(source, opt_options){ol.Feature}

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 216

Read a feature from a WKT source.

Name Type Description
source ArrayBuffer | Document | Node | Object | string



Read options.

Name Type Description
dataProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the data we are reading. If not provided, the projection will be derived from the data (where possible) or the defaultDataProjection of the format is assigned (where set). If the projection can not be derived from the data and if no defaultDataProjection is set for a format, the features will not be reprojected.

featureProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the feature geometries created by the format reader. If not provided, features will be returned in the dataProjection.


readFeatures(source, opt_options){Array.<ol.Feature>}

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 242

Read all features from a WKT source.

Name Type Description
source ArrayBuffer | Document | Node | Object | string



Read options.

Name Type Description
dataProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the data we are reading. If not provided, the projection will be derived from the data (where possible) or the defaultDataProjection of the format is assigned (where set). If the projection can not be derived from the data and if no defaultDataProjection is set for a format, the features will not be reprojected.

featureProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the feature geometries created by the format reader. If not provided, features will be returned in the dataProjection.


readGeometry(source, opt_options){ol.geom.Geometry}

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 277

Read a single geometry from a WKT source.

Name Type Description
source ArrayBuffer | Document | Node | Object | string



Read options.

Name Type Description
dataProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the data we are reading. If not provided, the projection will be derived from the data (where possible) or the defaultDataProjection of the format is assigned (where set). If the projection can not be derived from the data and if no defaultDataProjection is set for a format, the features will not be reprojected.

featureProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the feature geometries created by the format reader. If not provided, features will be returned in the dataProjection.


writeFeature(feature, opt_options){string}

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 303

Encode a feature as a WKT string.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature



Write options.

Name Type Description
dataProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the data we are writing. If not provided, the defaultDataProjection of the format is assigned (where set). If no defaultDataProjection is set for a format, the features will be returned in the featureProjection.

featureProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the feature geometries that will be serialized by the format writer.

WKT string.

writeFeatures(features, opt_options){string}

src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 327

Encode an array of features as a WKT string.

Name Type Description
features Array.<ol.Feature>



Write options.

Name Type Description
dataProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the data we are writing. If not provided, the defaultDataProjection of the format is assigned (where set). If no defaultDataProjection is set for a format, the features will be returned in the featureProjection.

featureProjection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection of the feature geometries that will be serialized by the format writer.

WKT string.


src/ol/format/wktformat.js, line 354

Write a single geometry as a WKT string.

Name Type Description
geometry ol.geom.Geometry


WKT string.