Class: GPX


Static vector source in GPX format



addFeature(feature) inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 126

Add a single feature to the source. If you want to add a batch of features at once, call source.addFeatures() instead.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

Feature to add.

addFeatures(features) inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 195

Add a batch of features to the source.

Name Type Description
features Array.<ol.Feature>

Features to add.

clear(opt_fast) inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 241

Remove all features from the source.

Name Type Description
fast boolean

Skip dispatching of removefeature events.

forEachFeature(callback, opt_this){S|undefined} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 280

Iterate through all features on the source, calling the provided callback with each one. If the callback returns any "truthy" value, iteration will stop and the function will return the same value.

Name Type Description
callback function

Called with each feature on the source. Return a truthy value to stop iteration.

this T

The object to use as this in the callback.

The return value from the last call to the callback.

getAttributions(){Array.<ol.Attribution>} inherited

src/ol/source/source.js, line 96

getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(coordinate){ol.Feature} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 434

Get the closest feature to the provided coordinate.

Name Type Description
coordinate ol.Coordinate


Closest feature.

getExtent(){ol.Extent} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 481

Get the extent of the features currently in the source.


getFeatureById(id){ol.Feature} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 495

Get a feature by its identifier (the value returned by feature.getId()). Note that the index treats string and numeric identifiers as the same. So source.getFeatureById(2) will return a feature with id '2' or 2.

Name Type Description
id string | number

Feature identifier.

The feature (or null if not found).

getFeatures(){Array.<ol.Feature>} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 394

Get all features on the source.


getFeaturesAtCoordinate(coordinate){Array.<ol.Feature>} inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 410

Get all features whose geometry intersects the provided coordinate.

Name Type Description
coordinate ol.Coordinate


src/ol/source/source.js, line 105

on(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 75

Listen for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

once(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 88

Listen once for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

removeFeature(feature) inherited

src/ol/source/vectorsource.js, line 578

Remove a single feature from the source. If you want to remove all features at once, use the source.clear() method instead.

Name Type Description
feature ol.Feature

Feature to remove.

un(type, listener, opt_this) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 101

Unlisten for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object which was used as this by the listener.

unByKey(key) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 114

Removes an event listener using the key returned by on() or once(). Note that using the ol.Observable.unByKey static function is to be preferred.

Name Type Description

The key returned by on() or once().