Class: XYZ


Layer source for tile data with URLs in a set XYZ format.

new ol.source.XYZ(options)

src/ol/source/xyzsource.js, line 19
Name Type Description

XYZ options.

Name Type Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined


crossOrigin null | string | undefined

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike experimental

Projection. Default is EPSG:3857.

maxZoom number | undefined experimental

Optional max zoom level. Default is 18.

minZoom number | undefined experimental

Unsupported (TODO: remove this).

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined experimental

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

tilePixelRatio number | undefined experimental

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertizes 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | undefined experimental

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is 256 pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined experimental

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

url string | undefined

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

urls Array.<string> | undefined

An array of URL templates.

wrapX boolean | undefined experimental

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.





bindTo(key, target, opt_targetKey){ol.ObjectAccessor} inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 326

The bindTo method allows you to set up a two-way binding between a source and target object. The method returns an object with a transform method that you can use to provide from and to functions to transform values on the way from the source to the target and on the way back.

For example, if you had two map views (sourceView and targetView) and you wanted the target view to have double the resolution of the source view, you could transform the resolution on the way to and from the target with the following:

sourceView.bindTo('resolution', targetView)
    function(sourceResolution) {
      // from sourceView.resolution to targetView.resolution
      return 2 * sourceResolution;
    function(targetResolution) {
      // from targetView.resolution to sourceView.resolution
      return targetResolution / 2;
Name Type Description
key string

Key name.

target ol.Object


targetKey string

Target key.

changed() inherited experimental

src/ol/observable.js, line 52

Increases the revision counter and disptches a 'change' event.

  • change experimental

get(key){*} inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 354

Gets a value.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.


getAttributions(){Array.<ol.Attribution>} inherited

src/ol/source/source.js, line 96

getKeys(){Array.<string>} inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 373

Get a list of object property names.

List of property names.
src/ol/source/source.js, line 105

getProjection(){ol.proj.Projection} inherited experimental

src/ol/source/source.js, line 114

getProperties(){Object.<string, *>} inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 405

Get an object of all property names and values.


getRevision(){number} inherited experimental

src/ol/observable.js, line 62

getState(){ol.source.State} inherited experimental

src/ol/source/source.js, line 129

getTileGrid(){ol.tilegrid.TileGrid} inherited

src/ol/source/tilesource.js, line 175
Tile grid.

getTileLoadFunction(){ol.TileLoadFunctionType} inherited experimental

src/ol/source/tileimagesource.js, line 114

getTileUrlFunction(){ol.TileUrlFunctionType} inherited experimental

src/ol/source/tileimagesource.js, line 123

on(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 75

Listen for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

once(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 88

Listen once for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

set(key, value) inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 437

Sets a value.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.

value *


setProperties(values) inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 456

Sets a collection of key-value pairs.

Name Type Description
values Object.<string, *>


setTileLoadFunction(tileLoadFunction) inherited experimental

src/ol/source/tileimagesource.js, line 156
Name Type Description
tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType

Tile load function.

setTileUrlFunction(tileUrlFunction) experimental

src/ol/source/xyzsource.js, line 64
Name Type Description
tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType

Tile URL function.


src/ol/source/xyzsource.js, line 75
Name Type Description
url string


un(type, listener, opt_this) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 101

Unlisten for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object which was used as this by the listener.

unbind(key) inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 470

Removes a binding. Unbinding will set the unbound property to the current value. The object will not be notified, as the value has not changed.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.

unbindAll() inherited experimental

src/ol/object.js, line 487

Removes all bindings.

unByKey(key) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 114

Removes an event listener using the key returned by on() or once(). Note that using the ol.Observable.unByKey static function is to be preferred.

Name Type Description

The key returned by on() or once().