Namespace: control


Type Definitions

olx.control.AttributionOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name. Default is ol-attribution.

target Element | undefined <optional>


collapsible boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if attributions can be collapsed. If you use an OSM source, should be set to false — see OSM Copyright — Default is true.

collapsed boolean | undefined <optional>

Specify if attributions should be collapsed at startup. Default is true.

tipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Attributions

label string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the collapsed attributions button. Default is i. Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

collapseLabel string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the expanded attributions button. Default is ». Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.


Name Type Argument Description
element Element | undefined <optional>

The element is the control's container element. This only needs to be specified if you're developing a custom control.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target Element | string | undefined <optional>

Specify a target if you want the control to be rendered outside of the map's viewport.

olx.control.DefaultsOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attribution boolean | undefined <optional>

Attribution. Default is true.

attributionOptions olx.control.AttributionOptions | undefined <optional>

Attribution options.

rotate boolean | undefined <optional>

Rotate. Default is true.

rotateOptions olx.control.RotateOptions | undefined <optional>

Rotate options.

zoom boolean | undefined <optional>

Zoom. Default is true.

zoomOptions olx.control.ZoomOptions | undefined <optional>

Zoom options.

olx.control.FullScreenOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name. Default is ol-full-screen.

label string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button. Default is \u2194 (an arrow). Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

labelActive string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button when full-screen is active. Default is \u00d7 (a cross). Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

tipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Toggle full-screen

keys boolean | undefined <optional>

Full keyboard access.

target Element | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name. Default is ol-mouse-position.

coordinateFormat ol.CoordinateFormatType | undefined <optional>

Coordinate format.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target Element | undefined <optional>


undefinedHTML string | undefined <optional>

Markup for undefined coordinates. Default is `` (empty string).

olx.control.OverviewMapOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
collapsed boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the control should start collapsed or not (expanded). Default to true.

collapseLabel string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the expanded overviewmap button. Default is «. Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

collapsible boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the control can be collapsed or not. Default to true.

label string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the collapsed overviewmap button. Default is ». Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

layers !Array.<ol.layer.Layer> | ol.Collection | undefined <optional>

Layers for the overview map. If not set, then all main map layers are used instead.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target Element | undefined <optional>

Specify a target if you want the control to be rendered outside of the map's viewport.

tipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Overview map


Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name. Default is ol-rotate.

label string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the rotate button. Default is . Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

tipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the rotate tip. Default is Reset rotation

duration number | undefined <optional>

Animation duration in milliseconds. Default is 250.

autoHide boolean | undefined <optional>

Hide the control when rotation is 0. Default is true.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target Element | undefined <optional>



Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS Class name. Default is ol-scale-line.

minWidth number | undefined <optional>

Minimum width in pixels. Default is 64.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target Element | undefined <optional>


units ol.control.ScaleLineUnits | string | undefined <optional>

Units. Default is metric.


Name Type Argument Description
duration number | undefined <optional>

Animation duration in milliseconds. Default is 250.

className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name. Default is ol-zoom.

zoomInLabel string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the zoom-in button. Default is +. Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

zoomOutLabel string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the zoom-out button. Default is -. Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

zoomInTipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Zoom in

zoomOutTipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Zoom out

delta number | undefined <optional>

The zoom delta applied on each click.

target Element | undefined <optional>


olx.control.ZoomSliderOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

CSS class name.

maxResolution number | undefined <optional>

Maximum resolution.

minResolution number | undefined <optional>

Minimum resolution.

render function | undefined <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.


Name Type Argument Description
className string | undefined <optional>

Class name. Default is ol-zoom-extent.

target Element | undefined <optional>


label string | Node | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button. Default is E. Instead of text, also a Node (e.g. a span element) can be used.

tipLabel string | undefined <optional>

Text label to use for the button tip. Default is Zoom to extent

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>

The extent to zoom to. If undefined the validity extent of the view projection is used.