Namespace: animation


The animation static methods are designed to be used with the ol.Map#beforeRender method. For example:

var map = new ol.Map({ ... });
var zoom = ol.animation.zoom({
  resolution: map.getView().getResolution()
map.getView().setResolution(map.getView().getResolution() * 2);


ol.animation.bounce(options){ol.PreRenderFunction} experimental

src/ol/animation.js, line 14
Name Type Description

Bounce options.

Name Type Description
resolution number experimental

The resolution to start the bounce from, typically map.getView().getResolution().

start number | undefined experimental

The start time of the animation. Default is immediately.

duration number | undefined experimental

The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

easing function experimental

The easing function to use. Can be an ol.easing or a custom function. Default is ol.easing.upAndDown.

Pre-render function.

ol.animation.pan(options){ol.PreRenderFunction} experimental

src/ol/animation.js, line 49
Name Type Description

Pan options.

Name Type Description
source ol.Coordinate experimental

The location to start panning from, typically map.getView().getCenter().

start number | undefined experimental

The start time of the animation. Default is immediately.

duration number | undefined experimental

The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

easing function experimental

The easing function to use. Can be an ol.easing or a custom function. Default is ol.easing.inAndOut.

Pre-render function.

ol.animation.rotate(options){ol.PreRenderFunction} experimental

src/ol/animation.js, line 88
Name Type Description

Rotate options.

Name Type Description
rotation number | undefined experimental

The rotation value (in radians) to begin rotating from, typically map.getView().getRotation(). If undefined then 0 is assumed.

anchor ol.Coordinate | undefined experimental

The rotation center/anchor. The map rotates around the center of the view if unspecified.

start number | undefined experimental

The start time of the animation. Default is immediately.

duration number | undefined experimental

The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

easing function experimental

The easing function to use. Can be an ol.easing or a custom function. Default is ol.easing.inAndOut.

Pre-render function.

ol.animation.zoom(options){ol.PreRenderFunction} experimental

src/ol/animation.js, line 133
Name Type Description

Zoom options.

Name Type Description
resolution number experimental

number The resolution to begin zooming from, typically map.getView().getResolution().

start number | undefined experimental

The start time of the animation. Default is immediately.

duration number | undefined experimental

The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

easing function experimental

The easing function to use. Can be an ol.easing or a custom function. Default is ol.easing.inAndOut.

Pre-render function.