This test is rudimentary. The fact that it passes should not (yet) make you too confident.

Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.ComboBox [PASSED]
14 of 14 tests run in 71ms.
14 passed, 0 failed.
5 ms/test. 113 files loaded.
01:19:43.568 Start
01:19:43.579 testActionSelectsItem : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.582 testActionSelectsItemWithModel : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.591 testClickCausesPopup : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.596 testExternallyCreatedMenu : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.598 testGetMenu : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.600 testInputElementAttributes : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.602 testMenuBeginsInvisible : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.607 testRecomputeVisibleCountAfterChangingItems : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.610 testRedisplayMenuAfterBackspace : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.612 testSetDefaultText : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.620 testSetEnabled : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.623 testSetFormatFromToken : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.634 testSetValue : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.639 testUpKeyCausesPopup : PASSED (run individually)
01:19:43.639 Done
Run again without reloading