Class: Pointer


Base class that calls user-defined functions on down, move and up events. This class also manages "drag sequences".

When the handleDownEvent user function returns true a drag sequence is started. During a drag sequence the handleDragEvent user function is called on move events. The drag sequence ends when the handleUpEvent user function is called and returns false.

new ol.interaction.Pointer(opt_options) experimental

src/ol/interaction/pointerinteraction.js, line 27
Name Type Description


Name Type Description
handleDownEvent function | undefined experimental

Function handling "down" events. If the function returns true then a drag sequence is started.

handleDragEvent function | undefined experimental

Function handling "drag" events. This function is called on "move" events during a drag sequence.

handleEvent function | undefined experimental

Method called by the map to notify the interaction that a browser event was dispatched to the map. The function may return false to prevent the propagation of the event to other interactions in the map's interactions chain.

handleMoveEvent function | undefined experimental

Function handling "move" events. This function is called on "move" events, also during a drag sequence (so during a drag sequence both the handleDragEvent function and this function are called).

handleUpEvent function | undefined experimental

Function handling "up" events. If the function returns false then the current drag sequence is stopped.




Observable Properties

Name Type Settable ol.ObjectEvent type Description
active boolean yes change:active

true if the interaction is active, false otherwise.


ol.interaction.Pointer.handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent){boolean} experimental

src/ol/interaction/pointerinteraction.js, line 182

Handles the map browser event and may call into other functions, if event sequences like e.g. 'drag' or 'down-up' etc. are detected.

Name Type Description
mapBrowserEvent ol.MapBrowserEvent

Map browser event.

false to stop event propagation.

changed() inherited experimental

src/ol/observable.js, line 51

Increases the revision counter and dispatches a 'change' event.

get(key){*} inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 150

Gets a value.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.


getActive(){boolean} inherited experimental

src/ol/interaction/interaction.js, line 65

Return whether the interaction is currently active.

true if the interaction is active, false otherwise.

getKeys(){Array.<string>} inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 164

Get a list of object property names.

List of property names.

getProperties(){Object.<string, *>} inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 174

Get an object of all property names and values.


getRevision(){number} inherited experimental

src/ol/observable.js, line 70

Get the version number for this object. Each time the object is modified, its version number will be incremented.


on(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 83

Listen for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

once(type, listener, opt_this){} inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 96

Listen once for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object to use as this in listener.

Unique key for the listener.

set(key, value) inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 203

Sets a value.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.

value *


setActive(active) inherited experimental

src/ol/interaction/interaction.js, line 86

Activate or deactivate the interaction.

Name Type Description
active boolean


setProperties(values) inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 216

Sets a collection of key-value pairs. Note that this changes any existing properties and adds new ones (it does not remove any existing properties).

Name Type Description
values Object.<string, *>


un(type, listener, opt_this) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 109

Unlisten for a certain type of event.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

The event type or array of event types.

listener function

The listener function.

this Object

The object which was used as this by the listener.

unByKey(key) inherited

src/ol/observable.js, line 122

Removes an event listener using the key returned by on() or once(). Note that using the ol.Observable.unByKey static function is to be preferred.

Name Type Description

The key returned by on() or once().

unset(key) inherited

src/ol/object.js, line 229

Unsets a property.

Name Type Description
key string

Key name.